Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beggars cant be choosers..

Quote: Beggars cant be choosers.

I beg to differ. Everyone in the WORLD has a choice. If the beggar feels like sitting at the pedestrian walkway and begging as opposed to a corner between 54th and 52nd, thats a choice right?

And if he chooses to sell tissues while begging or if he prefers to play the organ etc, thats a choice too.

And whether he chooses to use a cup, a tupperware, a tin or a box for coins and dollars, thats a choice too right? :p

But I know what this phrase means actually - if you're poor, you have to take ANYTHING that comes your way. Like food handouts, whether its pizza, chicken curry and rice, day old bread, or mouldy pastries.

And when it comes to clothes handouts, its amazing what people handout - torn clothes, clothes with holes, stuff thats got no buttons and zippers. I mean, come ON!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Women and cats..

Quote: Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

Hahahaha, that is so cool. And its true. If men strive to control women, where do you think each relationship is gonna end up? Well, i'm talking about liberal countries of course, not Asia or the Middle East, where its totally cultural to get married and serve your husband and get beaten without being able to complain.

In open cultures, where equality and respect (somehow) exists, women do as they please, and most women respond well to requests more than commands. And it would be best for the relationship if men just got used to it :-)

And for the dog lying on the rug, you better move over, kitty is coming..


Monday, August 11, 2008

You cant have your cake..

Quote: You cant have your cake and eat it too.

Now this one I think is totally ridiculous. Well I suppose there are a few ways to look at it.

1. To express the impossibility of having something both ways.
a) a bittersweet feeling at something being both good and bad
b) you cant have it all
c) unfairness

Well, the thing is I see it TOTALLY differently. I mean, who says that I cant have my cake and eat it too - hell, I'll have my cake and eat it with all the icing and chocolate frosting available.

If I feel like doing something, then I'll just face the consequences. Or if I feel like buying 2 items, I'll just save and buy both. Just takes some adjusting I guess. But I will ALWAYS have my cake and eat it.


Monday, August 4, 2008

The world is like a fruitcake..

Quote: The world is like a fruitcake, it wouldnt be complete without a few nuts in it.

Hahahaha.. this is funny. And totally true. The reason this world is in such turmoil in the first place is because there ARE quite a few nuts around. As in crazy, cuckoo, insane profiles!

And you can always use it as an excuse as well. For example, when some moron cuts into your lane without a signal light, instead of getting all worked up and feeling your blood pressure sky-rocketting, just repeat the above phrase. It kinda allows you to excuse other people's mistakes (as long as they're not too serious of course).

And when you're making a fruitcake, dont forget the cashews, almonds, pine nuts and pistachios. :-)


A child on a farm..

Quote: A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of a faraway place. A traveler on the plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of home - Carl Burns.

This is an interesting quote. Something about the grass being always greener on the other side no matter how high up in the air you are.

When I was flying from India to Malaysia, the only thing I could think of was HOME. And whenever I see a plane take-off, I always think of where its heading and wish I could be on it. But then again, when has the human mind and heart ever been satisfied?